The Institute acts to achieve its goals, aiming at the following objectives:
- acting for scientific, educational, social, economic, cultural and other benefits of its members as well as other persons involved in applied mathematics, mathematical physics, other fields of science close to mathematics, teaching in these fields and their promotion
- activity envisaged by the Law of Ukraine “On scientific and technological activity”
- facilitation and carrying out research in various fields of modern mathematics and related sciences at high international level
- organisation of scientific conferences and seminars, in particular international, in various fields of mathematics and interdisciplinary sciences adjacent to mathematics
- foundation of scientific journals and proceeding volumes (in particular, electronic) and media for promoting scientific and technological activity in Ukraine
- establishment of grants and receiving funding in legally permitted forms for research projects by top Ukrainian mathematicians, in particular, from Ukrainian, foreign and international organisations, business enterprises and private persons to promote research at the frontier of science
- promotion of contacts and collaboration among researchers and teachers working in the relevant fields in research and educational institutions of Ukraine
- promotion of contacts and collaboration with researchers working in the relevant fields in research institutions abroad, in particular, in the countries of the European Union
- promotion of contacts and collaboration with Ukrainian researchers, working abroad, for various reasons, but intending to contribute to the development of research in Ukraine
- establishment of awards, medals and honorary titles of the Institute
- promotion of development of Ukrainian mathematical and physical terminology and publication of dictionaries of scientific terminology (in particular, Ukrainian-English and English-Ukrainian) as well as textbooks for university students and Ph.D. students and popular books about renown Ukrainian mathematicians in the Ukrainian language
- promotion of modern scientometric methods of evaluation of research results and facilitation of integration of Ukrainian researchers in the international scientific community
- support for dissemination of scientific knowledge among gifted youth and improvement of physical and mathematical education in all types of educational institutions
- popularisation of achievements of Ukrainian applied mathematics, mathematical physics and other related fields of science in Ukraine and throughout the world
- formation of committees, commissions and expert councils (in particular, international) in order to provide the best way to achieve the goals and improve the methods of the Institute’s activity
- maintaining the web-page of the Institute with the information about the Institute and its activity.